
Writing your scenarios is a very simple task. In order to keep things clean, texture expects every scenario to be found in a single class per file. This class has to be named Scenario, and the module name ( will be used as reference to that scenario.

Each scenario must implement (at least) these two methods:

  • load(): executed when changing scenario. This is normally used to print scenario description or make some special initialization
  • do_action(cmd): receives user input and executes an action

In addition, the Scenario class has access to the game state dictionary, so you may use that, for instance, to get/set flags.

Note: the first scenario that is loaded automatically must be named start.

Scenario example

import texture

class Scenario(texture.BaseScenario):

    def load(self):
        if self.state.get('in_start', False):
            # Start of the game
            print('Started the game')
            self.state['in_start'] = True

            # Already been here
            print('You have already been here')

    def do_action(self, cmd):
        if cmd == 'go south':
            print('You go south')

            # Load different scenario
            return 'load south'

        elif cmd == 'go north':
            print ('You go north')

            # Load different scenario
            return 'load north'

            # Unrecognized command
            print('What are you doing!?')

            # Optinonally, continue main game loop
            return 'continue'

Note that the do_action() method can return load X to load scenario X and continue to continue with the next iteration of the main loop (for whatever reason).

However, the util module offers a better way to do this:

  • Instead of return 'load X', you can use return texture.loader('X')
  • Instead of return 'continue', you can use return texture.dotick

These two alternatives are recommended when using decorators to print text.